The atmosphere at the PFA's 1st AGM was a stimulating one, with a great group of people in attendance (both physically & virtually!), the local theatre crew making some racket in the next room and Mario's chips also partaking in the proceedings!
There are some exciting times ahead with lots of ideas in the pipeline and changes in the way we communicate coming very soon.... have a read below for more information on this.
But, one of the main purposes of the AGM is to announce the successful candidates of the annual vote!
So, on that note, we are pleased to announce:
Alexandra Haig will remain Chairperson for this year!
Alex has done a fantastic job so far of being the accelerator of the PFA - starting at 0mph and soon ramping it up to 70mph and where we are today. It will be of no surprise to anyone, with the success that she has had, that Alex put herself forward to be chair again and was successfully voted 'IN!'
Bex Williams has been a huge support to Alex and is meticulous with the detail. She adds the controls to the engine and gives the acceleration some balance - ensuring that the PFA vehicle stays on track to get to that finishing line! Congratulations Bex on your successful appointment of Vice Chair!
With Bex stepping into her role, this left a position available for a new Secretary. Ami-Lou Jackson has fast become another valuable member of the PFA and with her business acumen & (fairly) logical approach, Ami-Lou will step into the position of Secretary of the PFA.
The role of treasurer requires someone trustworthy and steadfast in the decision making of anything where the finances are concerned and who better to take on this role than Dawn Jackson! Dawn is business minded and understands accounts so we are looking forward to seeing how much more we can achieve with Dawn having a close eye on those purse strings!
PFA Website - Home | Pfa Sherburn Hungate (
Our website has been launched which has some elements which we feel are crucial to the ongoing development of the PFA and its success!
The first and the one which we hope will make a real difference to everyone as we strive to create an environment of inclusion & kindness, is the ability to submit feedback, suggestions or ideas.
You can do this and leave your details, or you can do this anonymously. We would always encourage you to leave your details so that Ami-Lou can contact you should she require further details to progress any feedback or suggestion points. Confidentiality will be honoured if/where requested.
Ami-Lou will also be capturing all feedback and suggestions and publishing the discussion outcomes on a regular basis via 'You Spoke. We Listened' posts and articles.
So, if you would like to be heard, please submit your comments via the link below to ensure that they are brought to the PFA forum (other methods including speaking with members of the PFA directly may not be captured)
Here is the link to the submission page - SPEAK UP!
The second and probably the one which we have heard of most on the Hungate grapevine, is the visibility of how much we have raised and what the funds will be going towards.
The website now has a funds tracker which tracks how much has been raised through PFA activities, direct donations & the pay-it-forward initiative.
This will be accompanied by an article each time a decision has been made to withdraw cash from the PFA account.
We may look for your input on where you would like any funds to be raised so keep an eye out for these articles which will be published on the website and our social media pages - links to which can be found below:
Facebook - (2) Facebook
Please give us a like and a follow!
The third (although not final but we will touch on these in later articles) is the continued ability to put yourself forward to support the PFA in whatever capacity you feel you can.
Whether this be as a fully-fledged attendee to meetings or as a volunteer on the event days; we want to hear from you.
We have set up different contact lists dependent on the level of commitment you feel you can give around your personal time, work and family commitments.
Even if you don't wish to be contacted in any of the above capacities, you can still have your say.
The minutes from all meetings will be published to the website and a post will go on the socials when this is done., so please do have a read and if you have any comments, don't be afraid to use the 'Speak Up' forum mentioned above.
Phew... that was a lot! And there is still so much more to do, to say and to think about!
On a final note, on behalf of Alex & Bex as Founders of the PFA, thank you so much to EVERYONE who has contributed to a truly successful first year as a formed PFA. We cannot wait to see what the future growth holds and what we can achieve for our school, our pupils and our community!
Much love!
Your PFA
P.S. To read the full minutes of the meeting click here
