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Our Constitution

For our Children and families


1.1. The name of the Association shall be Sherburn Hungate Primary Parent Friend Association.

2.1. The object of the Association is to enhance the education of pupils of the school by:
a) Contributing to the development of good relations between teachers, parents, children, and the wider community;
b) Assisting the school in the organisation and running of extracurricular activities; and,
c) Raising funds to aid in the provision of facilities for the school not normally provided by the Local Education Authority.

3.1. All members of the teaching staff of the school, the parents and guardians whose children attend the school, and if they so wish, the Governors of the school, are automatically members of the Association.
3.2. Membership shall also be open to the following persons who may be accepted as Friends of the School and shall be entitled to full membership, with the exception that they may not serve on the committee either as an officer or as a member:
a) Parents and other guardians of former pupils; or,
b) Other persons, at the discretion of at least three committee members.
3.3. The Committee may, for good reasons (whether or not at the request of the Governing Body or Head Teacher) exclude any person from membership whose presence at or support of the School is deemed a danger to the School or pupils or staff or might bring the Association into disrepute (but only after notifying the member concerned in writing and considering the matter in the light of any written representation which the member puts forward within 14 clear days after receiving notice).

4.1. The management of the Association shall be vested in a committee:
4.2. The officers, who all form the ‘Core Committee’ shall comprise of:
a) Chairperson;
b) Secretary;
c) Treasurer; and,
d) Teacher Representative
4.3. The ‘General Committee’ shall comprise of:
a) Up to 20 parents/guardians.
4.4. All Officers and Committee Members, with the exception of the Teacher Representatives and the Representative of the School Governors, shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting, and shall be eligible for re-election provided that they are parents/guardians of children in the school at the time of the AGM.
4.5. The Officers and the Committee shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting and shall serve until the commencement of the next Annual General Meeting.
4.6. Nominations for election to the Committee may be made by one member, seconded by another. Such nominations must have the consent of the nominee. Nominations should be made in writing before the AGM, or at any time in person until the election process has been completed.
4.7. The Committee may appoint sub-committees, as it deems necessary and shall prescribe their function provided that all acts and proceedings of any such sub-committee shall be reported to the Committee as soon as possible and provided further that no such sub-committee shall expend funds of the Association otherwise than in accordance with a budget agreed by the Committee.
4.8. Any vacancy occurring in the officers during the year shall be filled from within the General Committee.

5.1. Committee meetings shall be held at least once each term.
5.2. The Annual General Meeting will be held in July. The chair shall be taken by the Chairperson, or in his/her absence, the Vice Chairperson.
5.3. The Annual General Meeting of the Association shall be held during July of each year.
5.4. A minimum of 14 days’ notice shall be given in writing to members prior to the Annual General Meeting, together with the Agenda and Motions submitted.
5.5. At the Annual General Meeting, the members present shall elect the Officers of the Association by show of hands which may, or may not, be in the presence of the candidates.
5.6. The meeting shall also elect to the Committee, any number of parents of pupils currently in the school, provided that the total number of parents on the Committee, including any parents already elected as Officers of the Association, does not exceed 20.
5.7. All members elected shall hold office until the next AGM.
5.8. Special General Meetings may be called at the written request of a minimum of 5 members.
5.9. Fourteen days’ notice shall be given of any Special General Meeting to all members of the Association.
5.10. All members are entitled to attend a General Meeting, AGM, or EGM of the Association.

6.1. An auditor or independent examiner reasonably considered by the Committee to be competent to examine the accounts, who is not a member of the Committee, shall be elected annually at the AGM or as soon after as possible to audit or independently examine the accounts and books of the Association.
6.2. The Treasurer shall be responsible for keeping account of all Income and Expenditure and shall present a Financial Report to all Committee meetings and shall present the accounts duly audited or independently examined for approval by the members at the Annual General Meeting.
6.3. Bank Accounts shall be operated in the name of the Association and withdrawals shall be made on the signature of two Members of the ‘Core Committee.’
6.4. Expenditure of money to help the school shall be subject to the following limits:
a) That the Core Committee shall be empowered to spend on any one item up to £2000; and,
b) That the General Committee shall be empowered to spend on any one item in excess of £2000.
6.5. The financial year of the Association shall be from 1st September to 31st August.

7.1.Any matter not approved for in the Constitution and concerning the organisation and activities of the Association shall be dealt with by the Committee whose decision shall be final.
7.2. Annual Report – The Committee shall comply with their obligations under the Charities Act 1993, and the Charities (Accounts and Reports) Regulations 1995 with regard to the preparation of an annual report and its transmission to the Commissioners.
7.3. Annual Return – The Committee shall comply with their obligations under the Charities Act 1993 with regard to the preparation of an annual return and its transmission to the Commissioners.
7.4. No alteration to this constitution may be made except at the Annual General Meeting or a Special General Meeting called for this purpose. No amendments or alterations shall be made without prior written permission and no alteration shall be made which could cause the Association to cease to be a charity in law. Alterations to the Constitution shall receive the assent of two thirds of the members present and voting at an AGM or Special General Meeting.
7.5. Where a child leaves school during the year then the parent/guardian, being a member of the Association, shall be deemed to continue as such until the next Annual General Meeting.
7.6. The Association shall be non-party political and non-sectarian.
7.7. The Association shall take out Public Liability and Personal Accident Insurance to cover its meeting, activities, Officers, and Committee.
7.8. The members of the Core Committee shall act as Charity Trustees. A member will automatically cease to be a Trustee if they:
a)are disqualified under the Charities Act 1993;
b)are incapable, whether mentally or physically, of managing their own affairs;
c)is absent from three consecutive meetings without good reason deemedacceptable by the Committee;
d)ceases to be a member of the Committee;
e)resigns by written notice to the Committee; or,
f) is removed by resolution passed by all the other members of the Committee after inviting views of the Trustees concerned and considering the matter in light of any such views.
7.9. The Association may be dissolved by a resolution presented at a Special General Meeting called for this purpose. The Resolution must have the assent of two thirds of those present and voting. Such a Resolution may give instructions for the disposal of any assets remaining after satisfying any outstanding debts and liabilities. These assets shall not be distributed among the members of the Association but will be given to the school for the benefit of the children of the school or, in the event of the school closure, to the school which the majority of children of the closing school will go, in any manner which is exclusively charitable in law. If effect cannot be given to this provision, then the assets can be given to some other charitable purpose.
APRIL 2023

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